Monthly Newsletters
Our monthly newsletters are a great way to stay informed about upcoming events and trainings, funding opportunities, and local media coverage about good work related to Get Healthy San Mateo County.
Each month, we feature data on a current public health issue, a related case study, and a staff perspective on the topic at hand – all in addition to the updates we provide on our how to build healthier communities. We hope these are a helpful resource for you to promote and implement your work.
September 2019 Newsletter
August 2019 Newsletter
Removing Economic Barriers to Health
A Call to Action on Climate, Health and
Join us September 25th as the County brings together stakeholders
with a shared interest in understanding the intersection between
climate change, community health and vulnerability and
identifying solutions. Please
register here before Sept. 20.
July 2019 Newsletter
Partnerships for Health Equity
Thank You for Your Participation in the GHSMC Strategy Forum
June 2019 Newsletter
It's time to Plan our Future
We Value Your Ideas for Our Next StrategicPlan: Register
Get Healthy SMC strategic planning forum is coming up! We are
gearing up to update our strategic plan for 2020-2025 and we need
your ideas. Join us July 16th at 11:30am at the San Mateo Public
Library at 55 W 3rd Ave, San Mateo, CA 94402. Make sure to let us
know if you need childcare or translation! We want everyone to be
able to participate. RSVP
by July 12. Can we count on you?
May 2019 Newsletter
Walking and Biking Toward Health Equity
Save the Date Get Healthy SMC 2019
Our existing Get
Healthy San Mateo County strategic plan is coming to a
close in 2020. Please join us in a
strategic meeting to inform the next 5-year plan to make
sure we are all still on track.
April 2019 Newsletter
Healthy Places for Youth to Thrive
Belonging is Vital to Our Wellbeing
March 2019 Newsletter
Exploring Civic Engagement and Health
Join us for the Health Equity Now Conference
January 2019 Newsletter
Committed to Building Healthier Communities
Exciting Intern Opportunities Available for the Summer
December 2018 Newsletter
Reflecting on 2018
Apply to the SMC Youth Commission RFP by January 24!
November 2018 Newsletter
Upcoming SMC Youth Commission RFP!
San Mateo County Youth Commission Request for Proposal will be
released December 5, 2018! San Mateo County Health will be
seeking proposals for a provider with experience in youth
development and a commitment to supporting the well-being of all
youth in San Mateo County. For more information, read here.
October 2018 Newsletter
Civic Participation and Health
You Can Still Register to Vote and Cast Your Vote
September 2018 Newsletter
Moving Away from Punitive Discipline
Help Us Find Graduate Interns
August 2018 Newsletter
Winning for Health
Get Healthy SMC Wins Bike Coalition’s Project of the Year!
June 2018 Newsletter
Healthy Riding
Get Healthy SMC is Featured as a Statewide Best Practice!
May 2018 Newsletter
A Place to Call Home
Register for Healthy City Profiles and Updated Data Portal Webinar
March 2018 Newsletter
Supportive Environments for Good Health
New! 15 Priority Schools Identified in New Safe Routes Equity Analysis
February 2018 Newsletter
Promoting Healthy and Affordable Food Choices
Improving Access to Healthy Foods is not Enough
January 2018 Newsletter
Safe Routes to Good Health
Announcing our 2018 Get Healthy Community Implementation
Funding Recipients
We’re excited to announce the seven projects selected to receive
2018 Get Healthy San Mateo County Community Implementation
Funding to help advance healthy, equitable communities across San
Mateo County! Welcome aboard to:
December 2017 Newsletter
Looking Back on Good Health
Achieving Better Health Through Equity
The American Public Health Association has compiled a series of
case studies featuring health agencies that approach their work
with a health equity lens.
November 2017 Newsletter
Procuring Good Health for All
Share your Transportation Priorities!
SamTrans wants to know what your transportation needs are. Please
take this brief survey:
SamTrans recently launched the Get
Us Moving San Mateo County to
October 2017 Newsletter
Harvesting for Good Health
Funding Application Wrap-Up
The deadline for the 2018 Community Implementation Funding
proposals was September 26, 2017 at 5pm. We received a total of
36 applications to fund projects for
September 2017 Newsletter
Rooting for Good Health
170 years of Public Health: Getting to the Root
August 2017 Newsletter
Leading for Good Health
Now Accepting Funding Proposals
Our annual Get Healthy SMC Community Implementation Funding RFP
is out! We invite community partners, cities and schools working
on building healthy, equitable communities in San Mateo County to
apply by September 26. We will award up to $150,000 for
place-based primary prevention and health equity projects that
July 2017 Newsletter
Nourishing Good Health
Delay in GHSMC Community Implementation
As many of you are tracking, there has been much
uncertainty in the federal policy landscape
about the provision of health insurance and access to healthcare
in the United States during the last few months.
June 2017 Newsletter
Filled with Pride and Good Health
New San Mateo County Pride Center Opens
The County’s Health System had the honor of supporting San Mateo
County’s first LGBTQ+ Center with their
grand opening on June 1. The new San Mateo County Pride Center is
the first such facility in California to provide clinical
services for the LGBTQ+ community in
May 2017 Newsletter
The Longevity of Good Health
We Won Because of YOU – A Big Thank You to Our
On May 24, the San Mateo County Health System received the
exemplary Health Equity Practice Award by The California
Endowment for Get Healthy San Mateo County’s 2015-2020
April 2017 Newsletter
The Beginnings of Good Health
Daly City Council Exploring Mechanisms to Lower the
Consumption of Sugary Drinks Among Children
The Daly City Council is exploring the adoption of a Healthy
Default Beverages in Kids’ Meals ordinance. This type of policy
has shown to lower the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages.
The City
March 2017 Newsletter
Together in Good Health
San Mateo County Ranked Healthiest County in
Yesterday the 2017 County Health Ranking, Robert Wood Johnson
Foundation and the University of Wisconsin Population Health
Institute ranked
San Mateo County the healthiest County in California.
The ranking moderately reflects San Mateo County’s
February 2017 Newsletter
The Business of Health
Addressing Racial Equity
We are so proud that the San Mateo County Health System has
joined the Government Alliance for Racial Equity (GARE) to focus
on how to address racial equity. As the health department, we
have a responsibility to proactively address health inequities in
our county that have deep ties to race and ethnicity.
January 2017 Newsletter
Room for Health
What we’ve been up to
We hope you are proud of the work we accomplished last year to
advance your vision of healthy, equitable
communities. Here’s a
quick summary of some of our efforts to advance the
GHSMC priorities. Always know you can contact us and let us know how
we can continue to support your goals in 2017.
Announcing our 2017 Funding Recipients
December 2016 Newsletter
Data Countdown to 2017
Primary Prevention Physicians
Last month, San Mateo County Health Officer Dr. Scott Morrow and
Get Healthy SMC led a training for primary care providers at the
San Mateo Medical Center on how to be advocates for key social
determinants of health. Many doctors express frustration that
they typically see patients when social determinants such as
transportation and housing challenges have impacted their ability
to manage their illness or contributed to their stress and poor
health. By training providers on primary prevention, we can
course correct earlier and improve health outcomes for those who
need it most. View
the full presentation here.
November 2016 Newsletter
Giving back for health
Reinforced Commitment to Health and
In light of the recent presidential election, Get Healthy San
Mateo County remains committed to our vision: building healthy,
equitable communities where all residents – regardless of income,
race/ethnicity, age, ability, immigration status, sexual
orientation, or gender – have the opportunity to reach their full
potential. As we look to the future, we know that it is only
with our strong partners like you that we will be able to improve
health for those who need it most. Thank you for all that you do
for our community – we look forward to continuing our work
together to build healthy, equitable communities.
October 2016 Newsletter
Unmasking Health Disparities
Dia de los
Celebrate Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) this year in
Redwood City on 11/6! Dia de los Muertos is the theme of this
month’s newsletter with a focus on life expectancy as a measure
of population health and specifically the differences in outcomes
by race, place, and income. The Day of the Dead is celebrated in
Mexico on 11/1- 11/2, where families visit relatives’ graves at
the cemetery and make special altars at home to honor those who
came before us. Join Redwood City and County leadership on 11/6
for music, free kids activities, traditional food, vendors, and
altars contest at the San Mateo County History
Museum. Find out more
about the event here.
September 2016 Newsletter
Partnerships for Health
Reviewing applications for 2017
Our 2017 Community
Implementation funding opportunity closed last week with 26
proposals for funding requests! We will spend the next few weeks
reviewing applications with an external committee of experts in
the field, and announce the next batch of projects to advance
health and equity in San Mateo County later this year. We thank
all those who took the time to apply! Stay tuned!
August 2016 Newsletter
Hungry for Healthy Schools
Building healthy, equitable communities
Over 30 partners gathered at the Health System this week to
discuss how to make San Mateo County healthier and learn more
about the annual
Community Implementation Funding opportunity!
July 2016 Newsletter
Health Gizmos
En Español por favor!
We heard from many of you that having our strategies for building healthy, equitable communities translated into Spanish would help you better reach the Latino community. We’re excited to announce that we now have our full strategic plan available in Spanish! Please help us distribute our plan, “Estrategias para construir comunidades saludables y equitativas” to your networks.
June 2016 Newsletter
Healthy Communication
Watch TV at work
Our Spring Community Benefits for Health forum videos are streaming! If you couldn’t make it to the forum or want a refresher, sit back and catch the three presentations from local planning law expert Julian Gross, Steven Turner on Partnership Redwood City, and Belén Seara of San Mateo County Union Community Alliance.
May 2016 Newsletter
Health Counts
New look coming soon
We are launching a new Get Healthy SMC website! We’ve been busy working behind the scenes organizing the data, resources, and reports for our priorities so that everything will be easy for you to use to build healthy, equitable communities. Look for an official announcement in late June for all the ways you can use the new features on our site. We’ll also debut a new look for our e-newsletter – coming fresh to your inbox next month!
April 2016 Newsletter
Planting health this spring
Community Benefits for Health Forum on May 18!
Learn more about how Community Benefits can help build healthy, equitable communities. Reserve your spot at the Get Healthy San Mateo County Spring Forum today! Join us Wednesday, May 18 from 4-6pm at the Health System, Room 100.
March 2016 Newsletter
A Fresh and Healthy Start
How could your community benefit?
Mark your calendars for our upcoming Spring Forum on how to use Community Benefits as a key tool for building healthy, equitable communities! Join us Wednesday, May 18 from 4-6pm at the Health System, Room 100.
February 2016 Newsletter
Healthy Change: Where it Counts
Summertime fun
We’re looking for two stellar interns to join our team this summer! One intern will conduct an assessment of city-adopted goals and strategies to create healthy, equitable communities in San Mateo County. The other will analyze data to uncover socio-demographic characteristics and how these trends have impacted health overall. Please share with your networks! Applications are due 2/29!
January 2016 Newsletter
Touchdown for health
We’re back in action
Use this month’s newsletter highlights as conversation starters next weekend and wow the crowd! To start with, we’re excited to announce the seven projects selected to receive 2016 Get Healthy San Mateo County Community Implementation Funding to help advance healthy, equitable communities across San Mateo County this year. Welcome aboard to:
December 2015 Newsletter
That's a wrap
Thank you for a great year
As we close 2015, we want to thank each of you for helping to advance healthy, equitable communities for all in San Mateo County. It is only together, in partnership, that we are able to tackle the pressing issues that impact the health of us all. We look forward to working together next year to advance health for everyone in our county!
November 2015 Newsletter
Where can we give more?
How can our website work better for you?
We want to be more helpful to you and can’t do it without your input. We are in the process of redesigning and improving our website and want your input to help inform our redesign process. Take this quick survey and share your feedback by Thursday, December 3.
October 2015 Newsletter
Health's on the horizon
That was a big week!
Thanks to everyone for joining our forum and webinar last week! We hope you were able to learn more about how we’ll tackle our priorities and how you can access all the resources on our website. Check out the Community Implementation Funding webinar recording, new FAQ on the RFP, and slides from the Building Healthy, Equitable Communities Forum on our Community Implementation Funding page.
September 2015 Newsletter
4 priorities that add up to good health
This is our first newsletter featuring resources and updates organized by the 4 priority areas 400 of you helped us identify as key priorities for healthy, equitable communities during our strategic planning process earlier this year. Click around and get all the latest on how to improve health for everyone in San Mateo County through healthy housing, healthy neighborhoods, healthy schools, and a healthy economy.
August 2015 Newsletter
Health you can count on
We’ve got a lot of great opportunities to get involved in advancing healthy, equitable communities next month. Mark your calendars!
July 2015 Newsletter
Getting crafty with health
As we’re putting the finishing touches on our new strategic plan, we have identified 4 priority areas that we will be focusing on over the next few years. We’ve served ourselves a full plate! One key issue that came up across communities we heard from is housing, an important priority area we’ll be working on over the next few years. More to come on our other 3 priorities soon!
June 2015 Newsletter
A great beach read
We’re planning our plan
We hope you’re enjoying the summer! Kids are out of school, the sun is shining, and we have the perfect light summer reading for you below – to enjoy on the beach or while wishing you were there. This month, get caught up on all things healthy in San Mateo County, starting with a quick update on where we’re at with our new strategic plan. We’re taking all of your great feedback into consideration, prioritizing the elements that make a healthy community and will share the final plan with you in about a month!
May 2015 Newsletter
Activating Healthy Streets
Building up health for everyone
Get Healthy is excited to speak at next month’s San Mateo Downtown Future Forum on how transit oriented development promotes health. The forum is a part of an interactive series designed to foster input about assets and opportunities within the city of San Mateo Downtown area. These are creative ways to engage all members of the community in the Downtown Area Plan Update.
April 2015 Newsletter
Thirsty for more
We’re crunching your data
Thanks to everyone who gave us your feedback on what makes a healthy community. We met; we surveyed; we heard from about 400 people! Now, we’re looking at all your input, the latest health data, and will share our new plan to create healthier places in July. Stay tuned!
March 2015 Newsletter
Community members and leaders across five visioning workshops helped us identify the top 10 components for creating healthy equitable communities in San Mateo County. We heard loud and clear that a healthy, equitable community is one that offers complete social, physical, and mental well-being to all its residents at all stages of life.
Check out the visions created by workshop participants – then share your own! Take our online survey to help ensure our work reflects the needs of our communities.
February 2015 Newsletter
Great feedback and more to come
It has been great to hear from so many of you at our past two Visioning Workshops! We appreciate your joining us to develop a collective vision for healthy, equitable communities to help plan how we can create a healthier San Mateo County for everyone. Get inspired and see how our past workshop participants envisioned a healthy place!
We have three workshops left! If you haven’t participated yet, we hope you’ll come to one of our upcoming workshops and add your unique perspective to the mix:
January 2015 Newsletter
A Fresh and Healthy Start
What is your vision of a healthy community?
We need your help! Tell us your priorities for a healthy community. You’ll be helping us plan our work over the next few years to ensure everyone has the opportunity to live a long and healthy life in San Mateo County. Join us at one of our five upcoming visioning workshops across the County and share your vision. Also, help us get the word out – the more the merrier. Send our workshop flyer to your networks and be sure to RSVP in advance.