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Together Bay Area (TBA) Conference


 San Mateo Park Prescription (Park Rx) staff attended the Together Bay Area (TBA) Conference. TBA is a regional coalition for climate resilience and equity. In collaboration with its member organizations across our 10-county region, the coalition champions social and environmental changes for healthy lands and communities.

This inspiring gathering reminded us that we must work at the speed of trust to create sustainable and equitable systems change. A lot of our work is collaborative, about connections and relationships, sharing power and building trust over time.  As part of the TBA, Peninsula Open Space Trust (POST) and SMC Park Rx hosted the Equitable Health Access: Audrey Edna Cabin Tour. In this tour, more than a dozen Bay Area organizations representatives learned about how SMC Health clients get to an immersive nature experience at the Audrey Edna cabin, a unique approach to increasing equitable access to the health benefits of spending time in nature. The SMC Park Rx Team is so grateful for the partnership and collaboration with POST and appreciate the space to ‘move at the speed of trust’. Learn more about Together Bay Area.

Attendees in group photo at the Together Bay Area