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Women Leaders RISE for their Collective Well-Being! 


San Mateo County’s Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) hosted the Women’s Leadership Conference on March 28. The conference featured a multitude of women leaders in San Mateo County and beyond. Several respected leaders spoke at the conference: 

  • Dolores Huerta, Founder, President of Dolores Huerta Foundation 
  • Lauren Babb, Vice President of Public Affairs, Planned Parenthood Mar Monte 
  • Malia M Cohen, State Controller 
  • Supervisor Noelia Corzo, San Mateo County 
  • Shireen Malekafzali, Chief Equity Officer, San Mateo County 

Through data and stories, the audience learned about: 

  • drivers of wealth gap for women and gap in child care services;  
  • their impact on women’s financial wellbeing; and 
  • asset building and potential solutions that critical to our local economy. 

Participant feedback was collected that will inform recommendations to the Board of Supervisors that best supports women and family’s economic power in the County. 

CSW advises the Board of Supervisors on ways to improve the quality of life for women and girls* of all ages in San Mateo County. To learn more, visit the CSW webpage

 * “Women and Girls” refers to gender expansive adults & youth (cis, trans, non-binary, gender non-conforming, and gender queer).