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Making Progress – PHPP Strategic Direction


PHPP has moved into the second phase of the Strategic Direction. On November 1, PHPP and its partners hosted the CHIP Kick-off Event. The goal of the event was to prioritize top health areas identified from a series of seven CHA forums. Based upon prioritization ranking by participants in the CHIP Kick-off event, the following three (3) health areas will be the focus of the 2024 – 2026 Community Health Improvement Plan:

  1. Access to Health Care Services (Access)
  2. Mental Health & Mental Disorders (Mental Health)
  3. Social Determinants of Health (SDOH)

The next step in the CHIP process is to convene workgroups. The workgroups are tasked with developing goals, strategies, and action plans for each priority health areas.  The workgroup dates are as follows:

  • Access: 12/13 9:00-10:30 (virtual), third meeting TBD
  • SDOH: 12/14 9:00-10:30 (virtual), third meeting TBD
  • Mental Health: 12/15 9:00-10:30 (virtual), third meeting TBD