Boards and Commissions Vacancies
There are multiple vacant seats for the City of San Bruno (Parks & Recreation Commission and Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee), the City of South San Francisco (Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee and Youth Commission) and the County of San Mateo (Agricultural Advisory Committee, Behavioral Health Commission, Commission on Disabilities, Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) and Farmworker Advisory Commission).
City of San Bruno: There are multiple vacant seats on the Parks & Recreation Commission, Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee, and Traffic Safety & Parking Committee:
- Parks & Recreation Commission: There is one vacancy, seat expires on 10/31/24, on the Parks & Recreation Commission and one vacancy, Youth Representative (Must be a high school student), seat expires upon high school graduation. The Parks and Recreation Commission shall make recommendations to the City Council regarding community recreation needs on or in any public grounds and buildings. Open until filled.
- Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee: There is one vacancy, seat expires on 10/31/24. The Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee serves to provide comprehensive resident insight into bicycle and pedestrian issues. Open until filled.
- Traffic Safety & Parking Committee: Applications are being accepted for one vacancy on the Traffic Safety & Parking Committee. This seat will expire on October 31, 2028. This committee is in an advisory capacity and makes recommendations to City Council regarding traffic safety, parking, and local traffic issues. Open until filled. Open until filled.
City of South San Francisco: There are multiple vacant seats on the Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee and Youth Commission
- Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee: There is one vacant seat. The purpose of the Authority is to serve as an advisory committee and make recommendations to the City Council on policy, programming, improvements, operation, maintenance, accessibility, and usage of bicycle and pedestrian facilities throughout the City. Deadline to apply is January 17 before 5 p.m.
- Youth Commission: There are six vacant seats. The purpose seeks to address issues affecting youth through collaboration with the City Council and SSFUSD School Board. This opportunity allows for students and youth to engage in local government while learning about how decisions made affect daily life, in addition to how Boards and Commissions are involved in the process. Deadline to apply is January 17 before 5 p.m.
County of San Mateo: There are multiple vacant seats on the Agricultural Advisory Committee, Behavioral Health Commission, Commission on Disabilities and Farmworker Advisory Commission, and Housing and Community Development Committee:
- Agricultural Advisory Committee: There are two vacant seats on the Agricultural Advisory Committee. This Committee actively assists in the preservation of agriculture on the Coastside, advising and recommending to the County Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors. Open until filled. Open until filled.
- Behavioral Health Commission: There are six vacancies on the Behavioral Health Commission. This Commission reviews and evaluates the County’s mental health and substance abuse disorders needs, services, facilities and special problems, agreements; advises the Board of Supervisors and the Behavioral Health and Recovery Services Director of any aspect of the local mental health and substance abuse disorders services and programs; reviews and approves procedures used to ensure citizen and professional involvement at all stages of the planning process; submits an annual report to the Board of Supervisors on the needs and performance of the County’s behavioral health and recovery services system. Open until filled.
- Commission on Disabilities: There are eight vacancies on the Commission on Disabilities. This 21-member Commission promotes programs that address quality of service and positive attitude about people with disabilities; review and report on availability and accessibility of community services to people with special needs; establish a channel of communication with the community to garner input and educate the public to the needs of persons with disabilities. Open until filled.
- Commission on the Status of Women (CSW): There is one vacant position on this commission. Applicants must reside in San Mateo County. The current vacancy is for one adult member. The mission of the Commission on the Status of Women is to improve the quality of life for women of all ages in San Mateo County. Through strategic partnerships and collaboration, the commission identifies women’s needs, advises the Board of Supervisors, and educates the community on matters concerning women. Deadline to apply is January 17 before 5:00 p.m.
- Farmworker Advisory Commission: There are two vacancies on the Farmworker Advisory Commission. This commission promotes programs and policies that address the unmet needs of farmworkers in San Mateo County. Potential areas of focus include: advising the Board of Supervisors and County agencies on effectively outreaching to farmworkers and their families; helping farmworkers and their families navigate public agencies and access benefits and services; raising awareness among farmworkers about labor laws and other protections; bringing visibility to issues that disproportionately affect farmworkers; and helping to build trust and relationships in the County’s agricultural community, particularly between employers and employees. Open until filled.
- Housing and Community Development Committee: There are two upcoming vacancies on the Committee effective January 1, 2025: One (1) Vacancy representing Member At-Large with experience/expertise in real estate, real estate finance, real estate development, or real property operations; and One (1) Vacancy representing the unincorporated Coastside. This fifteen-member committee makes recommendations to the Board of Supervisors, through the Director of the Department of Housing, related to the expenditure of all housing and community development funds to review and provide a forum for public comment on affordable housing and community development needs. Deadline to apply is January 3 before 5 p.m.