Implementation Strategies
How we support your work
Get Healthy San Mateo County works across disciples to improve places and build healthy, equitable communities through Policy, Planning, Community Implementation Funding, Research, Capacity Building, and Communication.
To promote healthy places, we need to adopt policies which prioritize health and equity. Key strategies for impliementing GHSMC’s mission and priorities include:
Provide evidence-based policy tools to change the places where people live, work, and learn to improve health outcomes and advance health equity.
Engage in relevant City and community planning processes.
Community Implementation Funding
Release annual funding opportunities for place-based primary prevention and health equity efforts.
Create toolkits and publications with the latest research and emerging best practices.
Capacity Building
Offer technical assistance and support to organizations and agencies.
Regularly share information and opportunities to get involved, conduct public education and engage the community in decision-making processes.