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Can the City of San Mateo Grow Taller and Denser?


San Mateans for Responsive Government (SMRG) are saying no. Since 1991, San Mateo has had a height limit on commercial and multi-family residential development to up to 55 feet, with some projects allowed to go up to 75 feet, and a density restriction of 68 units per acre. But SMRG, a citizen group, will start gathering signatures to extend Measure P that is set to sunset in 2020. The measure limits heights and densities. With the ongoing update to the Downtown Specific Area Plan and the upcoming update of its General Plan, the City of San Mateo is hoping to broaden the conversation of heights and densities to a wider range of residents and stakeholders that may not necessarily vote in city elections but whose voices count. Research has shown that there is a correlation among increased density, increased physical activity, and lower levels of obesity. We hope to continue to partner with the city in order to promote more inclusive, sustainable and healthier communities.