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Reducing COVID-19 Rates in Vulnerable Communities

Health by Numbers

CA State uses a health equity metric that requires local health jurisdictions to reduce disparities in the COVID-19 positivity rate in the lowest quartile communities. The measure identifies census tracts that have less healthy conditions such as low income, low education completeness, and poor health access along with other socio-economic indicators.  Between 2/7 and 3/7 of this year, the County reduced COVID-19 positivity in the lowest quartile communities from 4.6% to 1.9% (–2.7% reduction), as compared to the County’s COVID-19 positivity overall which fell from 2.7% to 1.1% (-1.1% reduction).  The disparity gap in COVID-19 positivity between 2/7 and 3/7 was reduced by -1.1% and is now within 1% (.8%).    

As of 3/14, over one-third (34.2%) of all San Mateo County residents age 16+ have been vaccinated, and almost half of those vaccinated (49.9%) have completed the vaccine series.  Among those vaccinated, more local women (60.7%) have been vaccinated compared to men (39.2%). Source: